
Tuesday, 2 August 2016

Full Reading Activities

WALHT: We are learning to make predictions using visual cues and our prior knowledge on the topic or title and by reading the text.

SUCCESS CRITERIA: I am able to confirm my prediction by reading the text.

Title:  Nga Pakanga o Aotearoa

Author: Ross Calman

  1. My Predictions:
I predict that this article is going to be about New Zealand and it’s past features.
I predict this article is about the different types of wars that had happened in New Zealand.
I predict that this article is about New Zealand's history on wars/machinery and everything in the past/history.
  1. Key Ideas:
Nga Pakanga o Aotearoa
The Endings
New Zealand
British Soldiers
Heke Pokai
Nga Puhi
Battle of Ohaeawai
The Northern War
1845 - 1870s (around this time)
  1. Vocabulary and meanings:
Kororฤreka - Is a place north of New Zealand, british intruders called this place Russell.
Palisades -Is a fence that could be built, and was built by Maoris
  1. My question and answers:
When did all the wars end?
  • The Northern War - 1846
  • The Taranaki War - 1861
  • The Waikato War - 1864
  • Very End War - 1872
When did all the wars begin?
  • The Northern War - 1845
  • The Taranaki War - 1860
  • The Waikato War - 1863
  • Very End War - 1800s - 1840s
  1. Summary:

This article is all about the New Zealand Wars, and the history of each one of them. Let’s start off with the Northern War which started around 1845 and ended around 1846. The next war was the Taranaki War which began 1860 and ended in 1861. The Waikato War began 1863 and ended around 1864. There was the very last war which started around 1800s - 1840s, but ended around 1872.


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