
Wednesday 18 January 2017

SLJ ~ Summer Learning Journey Week 4 Day 18

Day 18: Famous/Infamous animals
It’s time to go to the zoo! You have been invited to tour the national zoo with some students from one of the local schools. Although you don’t really know anyone you decide to be brave and give it a go! When you arrive at the front gates, you walk into the zoo and you immediately see…
Activity 1
Imagine that you have just entered the zoo. On your blog, tell us what you think you might see on your visit. You can start with this sentence:
I had just entered the zoo when, all of a sudden, I saw…

Aim for a blog post of 8 - 10 sentences in length. You can do it!
I had just entered the zoo when, all of a sudden, I saw a trail, not your normal footsteps but oddly shaped footsteps. I decided to be very unnormal by following the mysterious footsteps which had lead me to the exciting ‘Petting Zoo’. I really started to feel anxious, I slowly, very slowly crept into the shed to find all the animals perfectly fine and started to make me furious even more.  I asked every person in the shed “Have you seen anything unusual around here?”, but I would always hear the same thing on repeat “No, there’s nothing unusual”. I was confused, so much, but again, the oddly shaped footprints appeared I was totally ready for another mysterious walk. Being exhausted from walking all around forced me to stop. I suddenly gave up with the footsteps situation and decided to enjoy the Zoo visit like a normal person. I had forgotten all about the footsteps and was ready for a big adventure throughout the Zoo. “Guess What?, HAHA!, I Pranked you”, replied my “hilarious” cousin, “What?, I’m super confused” I replied with eager to find out what was happening. “The footsteps, it was me, I was pranking you, revenge from last time, HAHA”. Well, the footsteps situation wasted precious time, what was I thinking, Oh man!
Activity 2
When you are at the zoo, you have the chance to learn about some animals that are specifically found in your country. They are called ‘indigenous’ animals. This means that they are originally from your country. Use Google to identify two indigenous animals from your country. On your blog, post a picture of the animals and tell us a bit about them. What are they called? Where do they live? What do they eat?
Image result for baby cougar This animal is called Cougar, they are based in North-western Canada, western USA, Mexico, Central and South America. This animal eats deer, elk and all types of other animals like Sheep.
‘indigenous’ animals. This means that they are originally from your country. Use Google to identify two indigenous animals from your country. On your blog, post a picture of the animals and tell us a bit about them. What are they called? Where do they live? What do they eat?
Image result for baby cougar This animal is called Cougar, they are based in North-western Canada, western USA, Mexico, Central and South America. This animal eats deer, elk and all types of other animals like Sheep.
Image result for Canada lynx This animal is called, Canada Lynx. You can find this animal mostly Canada. Canada Lynx eat Carnivore, Fish and Birds.
Bonus Activity
Sadly, there are a number of animals in the world that are struggling to survive because they cannot find enough food to eat or a safe place to live. Many of these animals are dying and, in some cases, there are very few of them left. They are called ‘endangered animals.’ In New Zealand we have many endangered species, including the kakapo, a shiny green bird that likes to make its nest on the ground. Unfortunately, the nest is really easy to get to and other animals can easily steal the kakapo’s eggs. As a result, very few new kakapo are born. There are 55 kakapos in New Zealand right now.

C:\Users\rwil313\Desktop\kakapo image.jpg
The New Zealand government is trying to save the kakapo. They are looking for creative ideas. What do you think they could do? On your blog, tell us what you think should be done to save the kakapo. Please be as creative as you can!
The Government should receive donations from people in New Zealand and try creating a digital world just like the Hunger Games but, instead of having endangering animals or dangerous fog, or even weapons, all there would be is Kakapo and all the needs for them. No predators would be into this and if there were any, Cameras will be there to instantly do something to them.

Oh, Wait! Let me get back into reality, I hope the government do some good research about forests and which are the safest for Kakapo, there should be a secure location of the forest and the Kakapo live there without its predators. I really hope my ideas are good, but they are a bit unusual.


Unknown said...

Hi Aaliyahna,

I'm glad that you're continuing to work so hard on the Summer Learning Program!! Well done!!

Your story about finding mysterious footprints at the zoo was very creative! I like that you had a solution to the mystery before the story ended. Do you and your cousins prank each other in real life? Sounds like you have fun!

Your choice of animals was good. You chose 2 members of the cat family - the cougar and the lynx. You mention that the lynx eats carnivore - what that means is that the lynx is a carnivore, meaning that it eats meat and not plants or other types of food. The lynx and the cougar can harm people so when anyone is out hiking in the mountains in western Canada they have to keep an eye out, for sure. Actually we have lynx living in the forests near home here in Ontario so we're careful when we go walking too!

I agree with you that there should be some protected areas for Kakapo before they are extinct. It would be so very sad to lose this species, wouldn't it?

I'll keep looking for your blogs - they're great!


Unknown said...

Hi Aaliyahna!

What a strange adventure at the Zoo! Pranks are good fun sometimes I guess!

You can find out more about how our government and other organisations are working together to save he Kakapo here:

It's quite a nice website.

Thanks for working so hard!

Aaliyahna M said...

Thank you Leslie & Mark for keeping up with my blog. I have been super busy : Birthdays, Reunions & Sports. I am super late but I appreciate all you have done with my blogging!

Unknown said...

We appreciate your effort for sure. And love your enthusiasm. No worries okay? We don't want you stressing. Have a great holiday!

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